redshoesnblueskies: You know, it’s one thing to be emotionally…

Saturday, July 4th, 2015


You know, it’s one thing to be emotionally vulnerable before someone you love – scary and painful, but within the realm of tolerability if the stakes are high enough.  It’s altogether another thing to be emotionally naked in front of a room full of people, to touch someone with so much gentle intent, to give them your most closely held secretsurrounded by people who are not just ‘within earshot’ but hyperfocused on every word you are saying.

Okay, hold that thought in your head, and then remember before about 5 days before this point, Max had all but forgotten human speech, had disconnected from humanity so completely that he couldn’t relate to them in any way other than ‘deadly threat.’

That Max – that Max who took no risks of vulnerability whatsoeverthat’s the Max who is so delicately lifting Furiosa’s head, lightly touching her face, speaking with stripped bare love and warmth, begging her to be okay and telling her his secret – in front of a room full of witnesses tracking his every move.

That Max.

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