You are probably being lied to

Monday, April 14th, 2014


The question is not “Is someone lying to me?”

Someone is probably lying to you. A lot of people are probably lying to you. Heard an advertisement? There are probably lies, either explicit or implicit. The gadget advertised with yellow, sans-serif Arial Black on dead digital blue might not work at all. The beauty cream will not make you more sexually desirable.

So the question is not “Is someone lying to me?”

The questions you need to ask are “What am I being told? Why is it being told to me? What does the speaker hope to achieve by telling me this?”

Check the facts when you can. Understanding the facts helps you understand the reasons behind the lies, and behind the truths too. Understanding the reasons behind the lies you are told allows you to apply another grid to the chaotic reality you perceive, revealing to you new relationships between your data points.

Some lies are more useful than others. Some pointless lies can be enlightening, if you’re clever.

In short, bullshit helps the flowers grow, and that’s beautiful.


Saint Amir Zetathustra, Heretic

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