Emma Approved

Thursday, October 17th, 2013


There have also been some complaints about how the webseries Emma Approved is showing Emma and I’ve thoughts on those, too. I’m sure you want to hear them, so, here goes!

I think the webseries has done something fascinating, they are showing us Emma as she believes she should be seen. We aren’t seeing real Emma, or the Emma that everyone else sees, or even Emma as she sees herself, I think we are seeing Emma advertise herself as she thinks she should. Emma is showing everyone what she thinks they want to see: confident, capable, unflappable, completely in control, knows what is best Emma. If you were looking for someone to make your life better, that is what you want. You don’t want someone who will cave, you don’t want someone who is unsure, you want someone who knows what’s best and will do it for you no matter what! You want Emma Approved Emma, not Emma Woodhouse with faults and flaws and insecurities and mistakes and failures. You want 100% success and you don’t want anything to stop her from giving you the best life possible. This is what Emma is trying to show us, this series (at the moment) is just an advertisement of her abilities, made by her, based on what she thinks we want.

I believe in the future, we will begin to see the real Emma and we will begin to see her struggles and her concerns. We will better see her kindness and good motives behind everything. We will begin to see her failures and her sucesses. We will begin to see her grow and change and improve. She will become a person, she will become Emma Woodhouse, not Emma Approved Emma.

I think as the series progresses Emma will learn that she doesn’t have to hide herself behind this persona of always knowing what is best. She doesn’t have to advertise herself as being perfect and Emma Approved! She can be herself and her failures and successes are part of herself. If you want her help, you’ll have to want it because you want her to help you. Not because you want a miracle, but because you want someone kind and clever and helpful to look at your life and say, “I think I have a way to help you.”

I look forward to watching Emma grow and seeing the real Emma, not just the part of herself she thinks we want to see.

Reposted from http://lies.tumblr.com/post/64350672306.