“We live in a nation with 3.2×10^8 people—so you can find large, in absolute terms, numbers of people…”

Monday, June 9th, 2014

We live in a nation with 3.2×10^8 people—so you can find large, in absolute terms, numbers of people who believe anything (e.g., that “contrails” are some sort of mind-controlling gas being sprayed by the CIA etc.).

People who believe those weird-ass things might have similar views on politics (I have no idea, frankly, whether people who are anti-vax hold similar political outlooks).

But it is a logical fallacy to infer that therefore people who hold those views on politics generally believe in whatever weird things these small fringe groups believe in.

Dan Kahan, Got facts? The boring, ignorant, anti-liberal, science-communication-environment polluting “who is more anti-science” game

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1kX4lQ0.