“Conan Doyle went on to endorse many more spirit images, including one taken on Remembrance Sunday…”

Monday, August 18th, 2014

“Conan Doyle went on to endorse many more spirit images, including one taken on Remembrance Sunday that seemed to show the ghostly features of dozens of dead British soldiers looming about the crowd observing the annual two minutes’ silence at the London Cenotaph. It was later established that several of the faces were those of professional soccer players torn out of a fan magazine.”

– Masters of Mystery: The Strange Friendship of Arthur Conan Doyle & Harry Houdini by Christopher Sandford

WHOOPS. This is also not long after Conan Doyle wrote a bunch of very intense FARIES ARE REAL AND THE PHOTOS OF THE COTTINGLEY FAIRIES PROVE IT articles only to have the girls involved be like yeah ok our fairy photos were just paper cutouts. No matter how many times his PROOF! OF! MAGIC! turned into sad trombone noises he just kept going for it. 

(via varlandgear)

Reposted from http://ift.tt/VAzAq3.