Hi John, you probably get asked this a lot and I don’t want to be rude but I don’t suppose you would ever give your url away would you? Just thought I’d ask :) thanks.

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

Yeah, seems like a lot, and no, it’s not rude of you to ask. The chances are actually pretty good that I’ll give the ‘lies’ Tumblr URL away someday. But today is not that day. :-)

Side note: My son recently made fun of how I include a hyphen as a “nose” when I make a smiley. I’ve always done that, stretching back to around 1987, when I first went online. Now that he’s pointed it out to me, though, I do notice that lots of people (including you) leave it out.

On the one hand, it cuts down typing, and actually does convey more or less the same thing as the nose-inclusive version. Maybe I should change.

On the other hand, the nuances of exactly how a particular emoticon appears kind of do matter; that’s why there are so many emoticons. Human beings are so face-oriented in terms of how we perceive and interact with other humans that maybe :-) and :) really are different things, and convey different emotional content.

And then there’s the fact that I’ve been doing it this way so long. I’ve been obsessively typing at other people on a computer for more than 25 years. At this point, how I smiley is an innate part of my online persona. Changing now might be wrong, not because there’s any great difference between the two versions, but just because it would be untrue to who I am.

What do you think, Sinead? You seem like someone with a highly developed appreciation of online semantics. You know enough to value the ‘lies’ Tumblr URL and seek it out, even bothering to use my real name in the request. That’s a relatively high degree of thoroughness and attention to detail; I could show you data. I’d value your take on this.


Reposted from http://lies.tumblr.com/post/61589204060.