lies: for ever, it seems (by request for welovewebseries)

Saturday, November 19th, 2016


for ever, it seems

(by request for welovewebseries)

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Mythic Max: Fandom and Folklore

Sunday, August 9th, 2015


Today is meta day here apparently since I think I witnessed the birth of at least two egregoresĀ and thatā€™s pretty rad, so:

I was thinking that, you know, if Max is supposed to be a post-apocalyptic mythic folk hero (Iā€™m an adherent to that idea; no shame if you prefer the Feral Kid or Immortal Max ideas because I really love those too, but Iā€™ve made my choice)ā€¦thereā€™s a cool myth meta-level involved that we only sort ofĀ see.

That is:Ā 

1. Ā  We (you and I) are watching the movie as a movie, as a modern piece of media storytelling which is telling a fictional story and we are in our world
2. Ā  There is the story itself as a story (real or not)

If Max is alsoĀ a folk hero within that story, then thereā€™s alsoĀ a third level. That is:

3. Ā  Someone (read: History People), somewhere is telling the story to someone else within the same imagined world in which the story itself takes placeā€“or doesnā€™tĀ take place because it could be fiction in that world as well, even if itā€™s considered true or mythologically true. But the story irrefutably exists within this world, even when it isnā€™t activelyĀ being told.

And we knowĀ this is canon because we have the History Man in the comics (even gross as they are in certain regards and to say nothing of frame narratives present in the other films).

So within Max!world, the Citadel is a real thing and the History Man is a real person, and heā€™s telling the story of the revolution that made the Citadel what it is at that point in time. The Fury RoadĀ story exists within its own world.Ā 

So, in other words, thereā€™s an in-between plane wherein the story exists which is both in our world (the movie weā€™re watching) and the imagined world (the story told within the imagined world). Thatā€™s the meta-level the History Man is standing on.

And if Max is a myth?

Max being a myth doesnā€™t make his story any lessĀ ā€œtrueā€ within that third plane of the story being told within the storyā€™s world. That story is still real within that third plane. Even if there never was a Max Rockatansky.

Or, let me put it this way: there was never a Max Rockatansky in our world, but we still know the stories.

So hereĀ comes the fun part:

By this logic (ā€™logicā€), because weā€™re standing on the edges of m-space, everything that we, as fans, create in terms of fic or art or speculation or jokes or anything else is, in a weird, backwards, roundabout, upside-down way also canon because itā€™s technically part of the mythology surrounding this character (or characters!) and place and time and world. Youā€™re not in the world but youā€™re there on the edge and youā€™reĀ telling its stories. Turn a little and squint. Your stories are also the stories told within the world.

Characters like Max (and Captain America and Batman and Luke Skywalker and any number of others) are contemporary folk heroes, contemporary figures of myth and legend. They figure in our new legends. Sometimes theyā€™re even framed as such. And this is extraordinarily important: we need legends and heroes and folktales. Things like fanfiction and fanart are folktales; they are reclaiming folktales from corporations for the people.Ā 

Make things; subvert.

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loodletooboodleroodlesoodle: mangomartyr: loodletooboodleroodle…

Sunday, September 14th, 2014





This honestly made me tear up. Imagining how great he must have felt that his planned worked and choosing that risk paid off.
I also feel like him and the model have such good chemistry, theyā€™re always so kind and loving to one another.

Holy shit what did he do?? Thatā€™s rad as hell!

Since the runway was going to have simulated rain, he wanted to make the outfit become colorful because of it rather than deflect it. He sewed dye into the seams and once the rain hit it the dye ran! Very simple but super effective. He was one of the two winners of that challenge.

Absolutely brilliant. Holy shit.

It was fun to see it work after the build-up they gave it during the episode. And I was glad the judges rewarded it for the effect during the runway show, when the transformation happened, despite the fact that afterwards, absent the transformation, it was pretty ho hum on its own just as a dress.

So I was also glad (even though it was cheating, kind of) that the judges gave a co-win to Kini. Because his dress was amazing as a dress.

I donā€™t care for the manufactured reality-show drama as much. But when someone pulls off something really creative or beautiful it can be breathtaking, which I guess is why Iā€™ve stuck through watching this show through most of a dozen seasons.

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easygig: The Hits of 1977 I remember this. People lined up to…

Thursday, June 5th, 2014


The Hits of 1977

I remember this. People lined up to see Star Wars over and over again. Months after it opened youā€™d be driving by the theater and yup; thereā€™d still be a line of people waiting to get into Star Wars.

I probably saw it 5 or 6 times myself, and that wasnā€™t considered unusual among my sophomore-in-high-school friends. Well, it was unusual. I mean, it was absolutely bonkers, and we all talked about it as such. But we were all doing it.

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