I should have given more detail.

The neighbor who dislikes the sycamore lives across the street. He’s a nice enough guy and a good neighbor, so I don’t want to make him out to be too much of a villain. He’s just got a thing about the untidy leaves, and I think maybe he thinks his mountain views would be improved if the tree weren’t there.

Shortly after we moved to the neighborhood he approached us to see where we stood on the tree. (It’s not on our property; it’s actually in front of our nextdoor neighbor’s house. But because it’s in the city right of way, and is a big, prominent tree, local ordinances mean the neighborhood gets a say in its fate.) I think he was hoping the new arrivals might take his side and tip the balance in favor of removal.

Sadly for his tree-removal agenda my partner in crime and I came down firmly on the side of the tree. It’s now 25 years later and the tree is still going strong. But birdwatchers have long memories about things like that.

Reposted from https://lies.tumblr.com/post/672427304024244224.

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