



Pitch: Muppet Lord of the Rings. Miss Piggy as Eowyn. Imagine her just throwing herself at a human man playing Aragorn. Imagine her defeating the Witch-King of Angmar by going “HI-YA!” and karate chopping him.

Throwing herself at Aragorn

Then Kermit arrives as Faramir and she just bodily pitches Aragorn offscreen

Aragorn is, of course, played by Viggo Mortensen reprising his role

(Gollum falls into the lava of Mount Doom)

Statler: If you ask me Gollum’s the lucky one

Waldorf: The lucky one?

Statler: He doesn’t have to be in the movie any more!


I had never thought of this before, but I now I must see it.

Please may I live long enough to see Muppet Lord of the Rings manifest.

Noting, by the way, that Kermit!Faramir is problematic, since Kermit kind of has to be Frodo.

@jaynaneeya I don’t recall where you stand on muppets, but I feel like your input on this would be very helpful.

Update: I consulted my partner in crime, who said Miss Piggy should play Galadriel.

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