cateyedcrow: shakespork:shakespork:shakespork:it’s always “this doll is haunted and is ominously…





it’s always “this doll is haunted and is ominously shattering the china” and never “how can I provide adequate enrichment for my haunted doll so she doesn’t destroy stuff out of boredom”

responsible haunted doll ownership means aknowledging your doll’s need for interaction and play time! make sure to give her plenty of stuff to look at with her rolling eyes and shatter-proof things to knock over.

remember that knocking picture frames off walls, inverting crosses, and leaving long and disturbing claw marks in your wallpaper is natural haunted doll behaviour and should be managed in a way which is healthy for both you and your doll!

Your Doll’s Not Evil, She’s Just Bored

Hey, gang! There’s actually a haunted doll enthusiasts community out here on the web and this is exactly what they (we) talk about.

In my case, I have an ostensibly haunted doll named Julian. Julian is about 10 and likes toy animals and anything space-related, so I was told to make sure he had some little plastic animals and dinosaurs around him (I added some worms-on-a-string) and space-related toys or objects. And don’t be concerned if his brother shows up in dreams or as a shadow. He’s just checking on his younger brother.

Lily is about the same age as Julian. She doesn’t have as much of a story that came with her, unfortunately. So I can’t really play around with “oooh so spooky” stuff. She’s reportedly communicative via spirit box and pendulum, so maybe she just wants to talk? 

Delaine, meanwhile, is a young lady with selective mutism from the 18th century. She was fond of painting and sketching in life (reportedly), so I have been encouraged to take her to art museums. She also likes quiet classical music, so I should play some for her if I can.

Arthur, meanwhile, exists in a haunted photograph and his face (reportedly) changes expressions very slightly. He’s another artist, but he’s much more into early 20th century art, much more experimental, edging into pre-Modernist work. But he’s apparently a bit like having an annoying suitemate in college: banging on walls and hiding things and the like. At least he’s handsome.

So, yes: haunted doll husbandy is actually a thing you can do.

Reposted from

Tags: it’s slightly off-brand, for me to post something this true, but these are uncertain times, and the rules must sometimes bend.

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