sylvia-morris: Part Four: Donna Moss, an eternal fave, for…


Part Four: Donna Moss, an eternal fave, for @versary. This style is a direction I’ve really been wanting to push my art, so yay for finally giving it a go.

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Tags: so, it’s a small thing, but to me it means a lot, seeing the steady progress of sylvia’s art, her growing command, it’s beautiful in its own right, but in a way it means more, to see how her works now, are more assured and confident, because besides communicating, whatever it is each piece is communicating, it also speaks on a meta level, about goals, and hard work, and the possibility of making things better, there are so many examples, in the world I’ve curated for myself lately, of things falling apart, downward spirals, sylvia’s art is the opposite of that, a true story, of making something beautiful, that didn’t exist before.

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