ibmiller: crimsonclad: tomhiddletson: Pride & Prejudice…




Pride & Prejudice (2005), dir. Joe Wright

We don’t talk enough about how part of Jane falling for Bingley is that he thinks Elizabeth is DOPE AS SHIT and openly loves hanging out with her. Cute nice boy has taken Netherfield at last? Great! Cute nice boy who would legitimately be super stoked if Elizabeth ended up being a spinster aunt who lived with them and taught their children to embroider their cushions very ill indeed as long as she kept laying down sick burns? MARRIAGE MATERIAL.

Post-book Mr. Bingley is ALWAYS excited before parties where Elizabeth will be in attendance, because he knows she is going to make some very unexpected jokes and he will be in STITCHES and also in AWE and yay for loving and supporting at least one of your in-laws.

At first, I was like, Ah, yes, Lies loves this movie, and I understand, even if his love provokes me to my nitpicking (just as other’s hate provokes me to defense!).

But then.

Then is got SO GOOD.

I am ALWAYS here for the Jane/Bingley.

Haha. My work on tumblr dot com is complete.

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