I saw you say you liked JRRT’s paintings, and I would like to know: do you have any favorites, and tell me a little about why you like them so much, if you would like to? Thank you!

Aaaahhhhh I don’t think I have the brainpower rn to really explain exactly why I like them so much, except that I love everything about their coloring and their sense of atmosphere and place, their general vibe, how they give off a simultaneous air of being very artistically modern art in the true conceptual sense and of being very old and strewn with minor cues that ping as vaguely ancient. I love Tolkien’s sense of space and the feeling that he knew EXACTLY what he was looking at inside his head and believed in its existence and knew what it was supposed to feel like. Some faves:


Reposted from http://ift.tt/2lr19EH.

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