lesbianrey: having a material lifestyle in accordance with your morals (eg buying fair trade coffee,…


having a material lifestyle in accordance with your morals (eg buying fair trade coffee, going to farmers markets, composting) is admirable but it becomes concerning when people think those are the sole actions they need to take for their causes, when at the most, they are supplementary to presumably the real goal of social change. and they don’t make you morally superior to people who aren’t living life as “pure” as you are. capitalism is designed to keep those who are most oppressed by it, dependent on it. if you are able to break out of this cycle, it means you had the privilege to choose when others did not. direct your anger & moral outrage toward the capitalists that actually perpetuate that system, not toward someone who can only afford to go to wal-mart.

Reposted from http://ift.tt/2yOlA0a.

Tags: politics.

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