How was the count, did you see anything good?

The weather meant it was kind of mediocre. There were a lot of obvious misses in my sector, including any owls, and field birds, and red-breasted nuthatch and fox sparrow, a of which I wish we’d gotten.

We did find a Bonaparte’s Gull flying over the Rappahannock, which was pretty interesting and possibly a first for the peninsula, and an overwintering Baltimore Oriole.

Flickers were so numerous at one site we went to that I managed to get 5 in one binocular glass. They were lined up on fenceposts at a berry farm. Quite odd.

After the weather fulfilled its promises and stormed in the afternoon, we managed to pull two woodcock flying over a field at dusk.

It was an interesting experience. The area is definitely underbirded, but it’s also too far from me to want to go back there. I’ll leave it to people who go to Mary Washington! My stomping grounds in southeast VA have made me really spoiled… the birding there is just Too Good.

Although word on the grapevine is that the CBC around my school had one group (my friend and professor) find all the good birds, and no one else came even close.

My buddy I went with yesterday is doing 5 more CBCs this season, but I think 1 is enough for me lol.

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Tags: more CBC adventures.

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