Ineptitude in the kitchen, sort of


I just found an unopened container of Greek yogurt in my fridge, with expiration date 10 August 2016. I thought I should probably throw it away, but I wanted to throw away the yogurt itself in the yard-waste-and-kitchen-scraps garbage bin and the container in the recycling bin.

So I opened it. 

And… it looks fine? no mold? and it smells fine? and… like… it tastes fine? Can I eat it? 

My wife and I often debate sell-by-date adherence. She’s a stickler. I’m more of a “look at it, smell it, think about what kind of thing it is” person. I think overall I’ve never been seriously sorry that I ate something she wouldn’t. But I’ve also been appreciative of having her stricter interpretation on hand, and there are many times when her being iffy about something has prevented me from eating it when I otherwise might have.

Yogurt is one where I’ve often tended to just eat it if it looks and smells okay. But I don’t actually know what I’m doing.

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