Brief housekeeping note about my blogging behavior after a cut. I’m reading a lot of great stuff…

Brief housekeeping note about my blogging behavior after a cut.

I’m reading a lot of great stuff about the US political situation in my Tumblr dash. I’m “like”-ing the stuff I like and I appreciate seeing it, but for the most part I’m not reblogging it. My intention is to maintain some normalcy in my fandom/aesthetic/nature/whatever blogging. That stuff matters to me, and I’d like to protect it from being swamped by outrage.

I think Twitter is a better platform for keeping track of links and commentary than Tumblr is, so that’s where I’ll be doing that. See my @jbc99 Twitter account if you’re interested in what I’m reading and retweeting re: politics.

I’ll try posting longer stuff to my (new) jbc99 blog at I’ll include a link here on Tumblr to any such posts.

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