I know I’m late but I wanted to let you know the guesses I made without even reading what the list of videos were (I know my Poestaches, I think). A.-the OLD announcement vid (a tell tale invitation), B – girl scout cookies, C – KITR Ep 4, D – DRAW MY LIFE (fave of all faves), E – Poe Party Ep 1, F – A Tell Tale Vlog (one of the main vids), G – one of the prequels, H – A Tell tale birthday, I – Kickstarted. J – Shipwrecked Vidcon. I know I can probably look up the answers but how did i do?

Haha. You seriously *do* know your Poe-staches. That is 100% correct. It almost makes me wish–

Hold it. The judges are trying to get my attention. What’s that? Really? We can do that?

Great news! Overcome by your display of Poe expertise, the judges have decided to award you a retroactive top prize! You win a commissioned Poe-themed gif set of your choosing! (It won’t be as awesome as one you would have made yourself, because yours are seriously the best. But it will mean more Poe gifs in the world, which is always a good thing.)


Reposted from http://ift.tt/2cjysp4.

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