not really criticism. but untagged and under a cut b/c negativity about a few teency things done by…

not really criticism. but untagged and under a cut b/c negativity about a few teency things done by creators who nevertheless are well-meaning and wonderful and 100% cherished.

I didn’t “like” or reblog two of the Poe Party “motion posters”: The ones of Lauren Lopez as George Eliot and of Tom Detrinis as Oscar Wilde.

I know it’s a murder mystery comedy. And guns and nooses are pretty standard props in everything from the Clue board game to, I don’t know, probably an outright majority of Hollywood movies (at least for guns). But for whatever reason the use of those two props in those two motion posters didn’t sit well with me.

Probably just me. And anyone who follows me who isn’t a fan of Poe Party (or I guess, of the idea of Poe Party, since it isn’t actually, technically, real, at least not yet) probably appreciates anything that limits my otherwise irrepressible impulse to instantly reblog anything and everything.

Anyway. Moving on. Glad we had this little under-the-cut meeting.

You did not see me.

I was not here.

Reposted from

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