yulinisworking: thinking out loud | 2015 | what happenedThese…


thinking out loud | 2015 | what happened

These are things that happened in 2015! I’m super late to the year-in-review video party, but I have never been great at being on time to things. 

Remember when I was going to make one of these a week? lol. The thing is, I’m a heck of an optimist at heart so I didn’t actually stop shooting footage despite all the passing weeks. Except in October. That was kind of a black hole. Not even a single archived snapchat. Ah well.

THINKING OUT LOUD is an attempt to capture visual snippets of what’s on my mind. It periodically disappears for months at a time and then returns without warning, because I’m sneaky like that. Why yes, that was my update policy when I was a fanfic writer too.

Much love,


Reposted from http://ift.tt/1nroWjq.

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