Catching up on our Tumblr inbox.


As it turns out, running a Kickstarter can get a little hectic. So we’re going to do some pre-spring cleaning of our Tumblr inbox and address some questions we’ve been getting about #poeparty.


This is true, although we’re not sure they wouldn’t try to kill each other after 4 hours in close proximity, and this isn’t Edgar Allan Poe’s Murder Mystery YouTube Livestream. But…. we shall see.


This is incredibly sweet and definitely something we needed to hear. The beauty of content on the internet is that it gives fans a sense of ownership, and we love all of you being involved every step of the way. So… thank you for that.


Although we wanted her to be involved, unfortunately Yulin was too busy to return to the fold for Mr. Poe’s big night.


Absolutely! @davidcater has been doing such an incredible job on our posters, we figured some of our fans might want to purchase more than one. With that in mind, we’ll be launching BackerKit very soon to help fulfill all of our perks. When the Kickstarter is over (provided we’re fully funded), you’ll get a survey to complete and an option to add on more of our character posters – plus a couple other goodies that will only be available to our backers.


We have a couple perks that involve physically being here in LA: one is an actual dinner party with available cast members, and the other is a visit to set during production. We are in the early stages of nailing down a shooting schedule, and right now, we’re looking at the end of April through May. Shooting will take a few weeks, so you will have a pretty big window of time to choose from. And of course, as soon as we know any specifics for sure, we will let you know. 

We are so blown away by all the feedback we’ve been getting, and we’re excited to reveal all the stuff we still have in store for you. Thank you all so much, and spread the word!

Edgar Allan Poe’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party NOW ON KICKSTARTER!

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Tags: closer..., is cool, poeparty.

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