unacaritafeliz: Keep reading I’ve felt this sometimes too, and I’m nowhere near as…


Keep reading

I’ve felt this sometimes too, and I’m nowhere near as thorough as you are in checking out every new webseries that comes along. I think it’s inherent in the low barrier to entry for webseries (because of ubiquitous and relatively cheap video production and editing and distribution) that there are going to be a lot of low-quality works being created. And they’re all labors of love, and even making a disappointing one is hugely demanding, and especially given that many of the people doing them are just starting out and are still in a steep part of their learning curve, it feels churlish to be too critical. All of which I know you already know, and are super respectful and kind about. (I note, for example, that you’re not calling out any particular examples by name. And I’ve always seen you being gracious and inclusive in your remarks.)

So yeah. I think the answer is just to be aware if you’re experiencing that kind of burnout, and back off a bit, until you’re ready to dive back in and do some more sifting to find the gems. Because the gems are definitely in there. They’re why you have such high expectations that you experience disappointment, right? Because of those occasional ones that are SO GOOD that you just wish they all could be.

But again, I realize you already understand all this, probably much better than I do. This response is mostly me talking to me about my own experience, which your comment reminded me of.

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1XlDH44.

Tags: let a thousand flowers bloom, even if sometimes it's a little overwhelming, trying to stop and smell them all.

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