erinwert: thatssogatti: So I wrote a letter to the Ocelot Call after they quoted me in their…



So I wrote a letter to the Ocelot Call after they quoted me in their article about the folklore lecture and made me sound kind of crazy. I thought it was important to have people hear my side of the story but now… I’m not so sure. I don’t know. People are being kind of mean about it, calling me stupid. I guess I should have expected that but I didn’t. So it just – threw me a little, and last night I was thinking maybe I should give this up.

But I slept on it and – no. I’m going to keep going, because I think this is interesting, and it doesn’t really matter what anyone else thinks. This is my blog. And… I don’t know. Maybe ghosts AREN’T real. It’s not like I know FOR SURE. I’m still not convinced that some of these things – like the science building – are pranks rather than a cover-up. But even if they are… that folklore talk made me realize that ghosts are in so many cultures and are such a universal thing. So it seems important to record them here, in our culture.

You should totally check out my friend’s blog @theouijagirl, if you want to see some posts from someone who won’t think you’re crazy!!!

I totally did not realize this was in-world, and was about to reblog with commentary talking about belief in things, and the constructed nature of reality, and how even those whose empiricism leads them to disbelieve certain of the beliefs of others (like a belief in ghosts, or in gods, or in the value in knocking on wood or reblogging the money cat, all of which are things I’ve decided for myself are fictional) are themselves swimming in a sea of unexamined and patently false belief, just as a matter of necessity, because that’s how human cognition works, it’s what it is.

So then I clicked through to the OP’s letter, and realized that the observation I’d been about to make was more true – about my own belief in things fictional – even than I’d realized.

It’s cool to be right about things, even if what I turned out to be right about in this case was how wrong I was.

Reposted from

Tags: I apologize if this is impossible to follow, it makes sense according to my own perceptual framework, but as you can see, that's a very slim reed.

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