llamapunk: blaydonraces:bedlamsbard: cacchieressa: beck-liz: marthawells: magista-manyshaped: d…

















what was yalls first internet community you were in? mine was toontown in 2008

neopets in 2003 get wit it

alt.fan.q in 1994 beat that

montypython… .net? .org? Can’t remember. In 1999

*stares into the distance as a single tear rolls down my cheek* MaxDanWiz

There was some kids’ writing thing in 1995 but mostly I spent my time on the Geocities chats!

AOL queer women board and pagan boards in 1994.

World War IV Net dial-up relay email and usenet, 1989. Telnetting to After Eight MUSH on the uni vax, 1991. 

Fuck I’m old.

Oh dear God the VAX. 

I got my first e-mail account in graduate school so I could participate in a discussion list for one of my courses. Immediately fell into the group of people using a bulletin board on the VAX system at the University of Florida. I didn’t have a modem yet – I had to go in and use the computer in the lab.

It was 1993. 

That was how I met my husband, too. ONLINE DATING: THE EARLY YEARS.

Fidonet. 135/0 hub. Long distance tensions calls late at night to save money. 1986…

GEnie, I think. Around 1991-1992. My first post ever, I posted on my friend Laura’s topic to say hi, she answered me, and then a guy from New York told me to shut up and go away. I didn’t know it then, but it was a microcosm of the SF/F community and the internet in general.

I think my first was Usenet via Pine circa 1993/1994 at college, which was either simultaneous with or followed quickly by the Babylon 5 Compuserve forum, which is what I remember better.

Usenet! alt.tv.homicide, 1997

FictionAlley Park in 2001/2. The Harry Potter years.

The Phantom of the Opera chatroom, 1999–  mydaroga? were you there?

Dial up 2400 baud modem, Pirates hollow. I think it was 1985 or so. Met my husband on dial up 14.4k modem wwiv bbs on which he was sysop, 1992. That was before llamas, back when I was Kilgore Trout. Le sigh. Also got my first email account in 1992 at the open computing facility at UC Berkeley.

Woo; WWIV represent. That was pretty much my first exposure to a real online community. There was a little bit of Fidonet before that, but WWIV is when I really fell off the deep end.

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1DpHgeF.

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