thevomitingbuddha: lies: Favorite relationships: Keeper of the…



Favorite relationships: Keeper of the Seeds + The Dag

I saw someone make the argument that they didn’t think this movie was feminist because the movie just seemed to say “look, women can kill just as well as men,” which isn’t a very progressive statement and isn’t something that feminism should strive for. I agreed until I rewatched the movie and payed attention to this relationship. 

Here, in the first gif, we have the “women can kill just as well as men” statement. In the second gif, the “feminism should be about overcoming violence” argument. After this exchange, the Keeper of the Seeds shows The Dag her seeds.

The message here is that, yes, feminism shouldn’t be about women performing the same violent and terrible acts as men, however, when you are living in a violent and chaotic world, you bet your ass you’re going to learn how to fight back. Fighting back is a means to a greater end though: the seeds. The women do not want to destroy or dominate the world, they want to nurture it back to health.


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Tags: fury road.

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