ruiqi26 reblogged your photoset:Why you should be watching Shipwrecked: That… Ohmygoodness…

Ohmygoodness the arrangement of her faces! All of them are looking at the neighbouring ones!! :D

I was hampered somewhat by the fact that Yulin, on our left/her right, is roughly Sinead-sized, while Sean is no-frame-can-contain-me tall. So basically all Sinead’s looks to her right were level, and all her looks to her left were upwards.

But I grabbed all the individual shots that looked appropriately adorable (I think I had 12 or 13 at final count), figuring I’d weed them down to my 10 favorites. At first I was going to just arrange them in the order in which they occurred in the video, but once I saw them arranged 3×3 I realized I had to go Brady Brunch.

The finger point at the viewer was an obvious choice for the Alice square. The looking-down one worked great for Mrs. Brady at the top, and there was a pretty good one where she looked almost straight up for the Mr. Brady square at the bottom.

The toughest one was Marcia, at upper left, because again, whenever she looked to her left she was always craning to look up at Sean. If she’d looked down at his navel just once it would have been perfect, but as it was I really loved the little head nod that I ended up using there, so it’s all good.

But yes. Thank you very much for noticing that. :-)

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Tags: ruiqi26.

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