
I totally watch it. I’m 2 episodes behind, because no one else I live with wants to watch it, and I got behind during the holidays. Tomorrow, maybe, I’ll catch up. Now I’m nervous.

oh god! there is someone…

Pretty much.

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Tags: i'm a sucker for meta, it was such a fairy-tale ending, not in a negative sense of being unreal or unbelievable, but in a heightened-reality sense, with the beautiful colors and cinematography, the tonal shift when she escapes from the documentary cameras, was visually and conceptually breathtaking, it was so awesome to have the reality-show convention suddenly broken like that, so that whole sequence from the lobby to the hospital was so cool, not just in what was happening, or how it looked, but in what it did to me as a viewer, who suddenly was seeing from a non-diagetic camera, it was like the audience was suddenly gone, and Valerie was free to be herself, for pretty much the first time at any point in either season, and it was weird if you stopped to think about it, because: wait; who's filming this?, but it was cool, and the show totally earned it and sustained it, none of which is about the actual conclusion of the story, which rocked.

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