matterofawesome tagged me with this, and since it was her, and it’s a fun (and quick) one…

matterofawesome tagged me with this, and since it was her, and it’s a fun (and quick) one I’ll go ahead and do it. :-)

The Film Lover Challenge a.k.a. Couch Potato Challenge. List 15 movies that you love as fast as you can! Then tag 5 people.

  1. Lost in Translation
  2. Saving Private Ryan
  3. Rumble Fish
  4. Tangled
  5. It’s a Wonderful Life
  6. Full Metal Jacket
  7. Pride & Prejudice (1995)
  8. Pride & Prejudice (2005)
  9. Persuasion (1995)
  10. Love, Actually
  11. The Verdict
  12. An American in Paris
  13. Singin’ in the Rain
  14. Moulin Rouge
  15. Peter Pan (2003)

In for a penny, in for a pound. I’ve never tagged anyone with one of these before, but here goes: anonsally, muchtoofullofsand, analyticritic, stpauligirl, and despairoftranslators. No need to actually do it if you aren’t inclined. But I was curious what each of you would choose, if you’re willing.

Reposted from

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