Since you, and other similar blogs, get so irritated with deleting the text, I’ve decided to stop. I don’t want anyone to hate my blog. But I think you shouldn’t be so quick to judge blogs that value “aesthetic”. Not everyone goes to art museums to read the descriptions and become educated. Some people like to go to just be immersed in a beautiful experience. To feel something. I don’t think tumblr is any different.

Forgive me, but I really don’t buy that excuse. If someone has typed something up to go with an image, no matter how short or long it is, the person reblogging it should leave it there. If you don’t like it, don’t reblog it. If all you want is a pretty blog with no words, then by all means, go do that. But people shouldn’t be taking posts made by others and deleting what they’ve written.

I’ve had this problem not only on this blog (as well as text stealing, copying/pasting, etc…) but my main blog, where I post MY photos that I have taken, and people have deleted the credit, my comments, or bits research that I’ve added. So I’m sorry, but I’m not going to sit by and be okay with someone deleting what I’ve written and reblogging it. I can’t stand it when I see it on my blogs, and I hate when I see it happen to others too.

Reposted from

Tags: intellectual property, attribution, dickliness, remix culture.

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