ehmeegee: Identity is a strange thing, far more amorphous and…


Identity is a strange thing, far more amorphous and metamorphic than we would care to believe. There is an imminent threat of irrevocable change, out of my hands, apart from my control, feeling years of work slipping from my fingers at the cost of legal jargon but the further it slips from my grasp the more liberated I feel. I’m reassured of the ridged awaiting landscape, the drive of cicadas and the hum of prairie locusts a meditating calm against the brewing storm. I feel empowered and powerless all the same. My language is tied. It’s been a good run if, in the end, that’s all this ends up being.

Wish I knew what was up. But presumably Emily will share more if and when she can. In the meantime, good wishes and crossed fingers on her behalf.

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