isolatedextrovert: lies: flameysaur: halfwayinlight: Does…





Does anyone know what kind of bird this is? It was strutting by the drive through like it owned the place. Is it a blackbird? Raven? Crow? Rook?? The deep blue looked so striking against the black feathers.

lies, I’m sure you know.

It would help to know where the OP took the photo, but seeing a reference to “tornado country” in a previous post, I’m going to assume we’re talking middle America/Great Plains/Texas and parts north of there.

Pretty sure that’s a male grackle, either a Common Grackle (which would be about 12.5 inches in overall length) or a Great-tailed Grackle (about 18 inches). The color looks a little better for Great-tailed to me, but if the OP knows even roughly how big it was that’s probably the best way to distinguish between them.

What does it sound like lies?

Kind of hard to describe. Common grackle makes this harsh-sounding crackly/squeaky song. Great-tailed is more varied and musical-sounding, at least relatively speaking, but still pretty weird-sounding compared to what most people probably expect a bird to sound like, with pops and whistles and chattering all mixed together. The great-tailed, especially, is fairly loud, too. If one is around and vocalizing, you’ll definitely hear it.

You can probably find some recordings online if you google for it.

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