Hello. I was wondering if you are willing to give away your url. I could gain you a lot of followers for it.

That’s a really nice offer. But no, I don’t want to give up the ‘lies’ URL at this time.

A lot of people have talked about being able to gain me followers. I guess you can offer that because you would promote my (new) blog URL to your own followers? Is that right?

That means you could basically do that right now, if you wanted to. That is, you could promo me, just as an act of goodwill, to demonstrate your bona fides. So far no ‘lies’ URL suitor has ever done that. But it would actually put them in a really good light if they did.

Attention ‘lies’ URL suitors: If you want to motivate me to consider giving you the URL, you could do worse than promoing me to your followers.

Q: If I suddenly got a big influx of new followers, and it was the result of your having given me a gratis promo, how grateful would that make me?

A: Extremely grateful.

Q: Grateful enough to give you my URL?

A: Probably not. But who knows?

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1kIeS3f.

Tags: lies tumblr url, discrace.

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