dwightyoumonkeyslut: Lily wasn’t big on technology. Sure, the internet was wonderful and convenient…


Lily wasn’t big on technology. Sure, the internet was wonderful and convenient and amazing, but Lily preferred human interaction, thats why she’d become an actor. And it was also why she didn’t really pay attention to screens that much, and why this situation happened in the first place.


She hadn’t meant to send that tweet. She hadn’t even meant to send a tweet. For the last few days she’d been typing and retyping the same message to James over and over again, trying to get to him somehow, to break the ice between them.

Today she’d opened up her twitter to write about bluebirds, for God’s sake,and she’d ended up accidentally tweeting the message whole world. fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Lily wasn’t big on cursing, but this situation warranted it. Of course she deleted it immediately after, but with 300,000 followers, she knew she would be kidding herself if someone hadn’t seen it. She only hoped that one would ever tell James about it.


The tweet in question (fortunately no one was able to screenshot it before it Lily deleted it):


a follow up from thescarythoughtsofawriter, who had the brilliant idea!


Reposted from http://ift.tt/1kp5xgu.

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