What’s up with Kissing in the Rain?


I was a HUGE fan of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries, and I am also incredibly pleased with The Autobiography of Jane Eyre.

However, after the spectacular disappointment of Emma Approved (I only made it through about 8 or 9 episodes before giving up) I have been hesitant to start watching any more web series.

Which brings me to Kissing in the Rain. Many of the people I follow and whose tastes in media I share are watching this. But I am not.

I am a little confused by all the screen caps and gifs I am seeing. Aren’t there only 2 episodes? I don’t understand where all this content is coming from. Also, the difference between canon and fan-canon.

So basically my questions are thus: Is the writing good? (This is ESSENTIAL.) Is the acting good? Why should I be watching this series?

I can’t speak for anyone else. (And luckily I don’t have to, because many someones else are already speaking for themselves.) But speaking for myself:

  • Yes, there are only two episodes (so far). And those episodes are actually pretty short (just a couple of minutes and change for each). But they are conceptually rich, with many layers of backstory and meta. It was intentionally written to provide a small window into a larger world.
  • Where all the content is coming from: As I said, lots of layers. The episodes themselves feature two actors performing a scene in a movie, then an off-camera director says “cut!”, and then you get a scene of the actors interacting between takes. There are companion drabbles that provide additional backstory written by Yulin Kuang, the show runner/writer/director. And there’s lots of fanfic, some of which has been made canonical. (See below.)
  • Fan-canon is just what the fans are writing and speculating. But some of the fan-canon gets blessed by Yulin into being canon-canon, by virtue of being reblogged to the show’s main tumblr account. At that point it’s part of the “official” story. See About the Experiment.
  • Q: Is the writing good? A: Oh yes.
  • Q: Is the acting good? A: Oh my god yes.
  • Why should I be watching this series? See above. Also, as someone who also is an LBD and AoJE fan, and was disappointed by some aspects of Emma Approved, I’ve found KiTR to be exactly what I’m looking for in a web series.

You owe it to yourself to check it out. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1lPexrT.

Tags: kitr.

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