leslielikesthings: I guess I should probably just lighten up and enjoy the physical comedy, but I…


I guess I should probably just lighten up and enjoy the physical comedy, but I have a hard time being amused by men imposing their will on women by physical means. It’s a good thing that Emma is the unreasonable one who wants to do “crazy” things and that Alex is the clear-headed one with the strength to physically restrain her. Sure would be awkward if it was the other way around and Emma didn’t have any way to stop him from making poor decisions!

I’m a small woman. I have been picked up many a time by the males in my life. Usually I don’t mind – we’re goofing around and it’s kind of fun! But if they ever were to do it for the purposes of controlling me and making decisions for me? I’d have a major problem with that. Doesn’t matter if they’re “right”.

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1koBmCB.

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