
lies replied to your post “This seems to be my day for calling things? There are a few details in…”

My money’s on Kathryn having done it on purpose. There doesn’t have to be much lead time for tweets.

boobiesmcfeels replied to your post “This seems to be my day for…

Haha. If I had to actually pay up every time something I “was willing to bet on” turned out to be wrong, I’d be… substantially poorer. I do love the experience of it, at least in smallish doses, because it helps remind me that when all’s said and done I’m not nearly as smart as I give myself credit for.

Apologies for muddying the information stream with my pernicious nonsense. What do you think would be an appropriate way to settle the debt of honor? I don’t know; maybe I could do something embarrassing, like when the loser of a friendly sports bet dresses in the jersey of the opposing team.

I once paid off a bet by posting a selfie to my blog holding up a “Bush/Cheney” sign the morning after the election. Something like that, maybe? (Though hopefully something less depressing.)

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