How much my novel cost me

How much my novel cost me:




Writing this was hard. I was very lucky to be edited by Chad Harbach, who spent many months (6? I forget. Possibly more) working on it with me. My writing group — Bennett, Anya and Lukas — also read several drafts and helped a lot. I would like to dedicate its appearance on the internet to the memory of Raffles, who cost me a lot of money but was worth every penny. I still miss you, buddy. 

There was a time in my life when I really, more or less, wanted to be Emily Gould; I was still unsure of what I wanted to do, but I was starting to suspect that writing was going to figure into it, and I would read her work and feel this absolutely seething mix of awe and envy. The seething part has passed, fortunately, but man, this is good.

Me too. What an essay. Can’t wait for Emily’s novel.

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