shipwreckedcomedy: yulinkuang: I Didn’t Write This is a new…



I Didn’t Write This is a new literary adaptation series in which I adapt and direct excerpts of poetry and literature written by other people. Basically one long commercial for why we read. My goal is to get parts of poetry and literature stuck in your head like a good song. Or John Mulaney’s standup. 

Sometimes I say things at the end of the videos; you don’t have to watch those parts. New episodes every Friday, until we run out of world enough and time. Subscribe, maybe? 

We’re using “yulinisworking” as the official Tumblr tag on this series, because IDWT and “I Didn’t Write This” get a decent amount of outside traffic as it is.

I Didn’t Write This – Ep. 3: Looking for Alaska by John Green

Directed by Yulin Kuang

Starring Mary Kate Wiles and Sean Persaud

Shot by Zack Wallnau
Styled by Julika Engols
Sound by Justin Lee Dixon

We recorded this excerpt of Looking for Alaska while we were recording Sean’s voiceover for the Kissing in the Rain trailer on our other channel, Shipwrecked Comedy. Because I liked Sean’s reading of this passage so much, we turned it into this. I did some creative re-imagining of the scene so it looks slightly more like they’re in college, hopefully no one minds dreadfully.

Looking for Alaska was one of those books I stayed up reading until 5 in the morning, then instead of sleeping, I stayed up thinking about it for another two hours. If you enjoyed this adaptation and haven’t yet read the book, I’d highly recommend checking it out! My reading tastes experienced an arrested development after high school, so YA lit is still one of my favorite, favorite genres of fiction. I’m also a pretty big fan of The Fault in Our Stars, I basically think John Green is a super rad, really nice dude. Especially since he tweeted about Kissing in the Rain this morning. That made my Valentine’s day about a million times over.

Reblog and tell me your thoughts about Looking for Alaska, the famous drizzle-hurricane metaphor, YA lit, and this adaptation, I would love to hear them! And happy Valentine’s Day! I love you all for reading this and watching this and basically you’re all wonderful and awesome and swell.

Read the rest of Looking for Alaska by John Green

Much love,

Yulin Kuang

I Didn’t Write This – Ep. 3: Looking for Alaska by John Green
featuring Sean Persaud & Mary Kate Wiles

I Didn’t Write This is a new literary adaptation series from Yulin Kuang, in which she adapts and directs excerpts of literature and poetry written by other people. More about the series here.

Subscribe to Yulin’s channel for more literary adaptations and shorts while we wait for the release of Kissing in the Rain!

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