psykobomb: This is a new coffee store named Dumb Starbucks and…


This is a new coffee store named Dumb Starbucks and it just opened up in Los Felix, LA. Read more.

From the little I know about trademark law (which isn’t much, since a) I’m not a lawyer, and b) what little I know dates to 1997, when someone tried to use unfounded claims of trademark infringement to intimidate me into giving him the domain name), the Dumb Starbucks people are kind of begging to be sued. Which may, in fact, be their intent, since that will give them still yet more publicity.

But I think they’ll eventually lose, because they come close to acknowledging up-front that their actual aim is to confuse people into mistaking them for the real Starbucks, and the “parody” designation is only intended to facilitate that deception.

Bzzzt. That’s infringement. Next.

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