catagator: Seeing this week’s New York Times YA Bestsellers…


Seeing this week’s New York Times YA Bestsellers list required a discussion. 

We need to keep talking about power, money, and privilege in the YA world, especially when it comes to things like gender.

Can we continue this conversation? Because it’s really important. 

I noticed this in the Sunday NYT today, too, and was like, srsly, John Green, wtf?

I don’t have anything against him. Maybe it’s network effects more than some kind of white-dude privilege? I mean, it’s clearly something beyond just white-dude privilege, because there are many, many other white dudes besides John Green, but apparently their books are unable to compete with his as well.

Maybe it’s just some kind of statistical anomaly, and doesn’t require explanation. But it sure looks weird.

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