Hey John, I know you probably get this a lot but I’m interested into you url. Are you up for a trade of urls or something else? Like, what can I do? If you don’t want to give it, I understand! :) Please reply xx

Apologies if you’ve seen this before, but the standard response I typically give is:

* thank you for asking so nicely,

* but no, probably not, at least for now,

* but if you’d like to be in the running on the chance that I do decide to give up the URL, please let me know 1) why you want it, and 2) what you would do with it if you had it, and 3) what makes you more deserving than the other URL-suitors who covet it.

Thanks, and good luck!

Reposted from http://ift.tt/1ab4Frl.

Tags: lies tumblr url.

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