dendroica: odinssub: Baby raven. So fuzzy. This is not a…



Baby raven. So fuzzy.

This is not a raven or crow. Like all songbirds, corvid chicks are altricial, which means they are born blind and without any feathers. Eventually their eyes open and their first coat of feathers grows in, but by then the chicks are at a more advanced stage than this bird. This chick, on the other hand, is precocial, which means that it hatched covered in downy feathers and could see and walk right away. Precocial chicks follow their parents around after they hatch instead of waiting in the nest for their parents to bring them food. Precocial chicks sometimes wander off, as this one seems to have done. I am not sure what species this is, but based on its overall structure, I would guess that it is either a rail or some breed of chicken (like this one).

There should be a word for “I was preparing to write the exact same commentary because the post so clearly needed it, and then… I scrolled down and saw that you’d written it already.”

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Tags: i think maybe the tumblr word for it is that.

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