“As seen in the immediate cessation of Steve’s deportation, the Supreme Court’s ruling has a profound…”

“As seen in the immediate cessation of Steve’s deportation, the Supreme Court’s ruling has a profound impact on the LGBT community. Roughly 24,700 other binational same-sex couples can now breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that they will not be torn away from the people they love. For a population of about 267,000 LGBT undocumented individuals, the Supreme Court ruling comes as a future goal post to look forward to now that federal laws has ended the discrimination against their love. It also will finally allow the federal government to treat all LGBT families equally by allowing them access to federal benefits and protections.”

Minutes After Supreme Court Strikes Down DOMA, Immigration Judge Stops Deportation Of Married Gay Man | ThinkProgress (via dduane)

Reposted from http://lies.tumblr.com/post/53962727188.

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