lonewulff92: lies: lonewulff92: Hungry fishies! Also anyone…




Hungry fishies!
Also anyone know what’s wrong with my choice of tank mates?

Well, you have multiple male bettas sharing one tank (looks like there’s a female in there, too). How’s that working out?

Great actually.
There is only one male, the rest are females. He was one of those baby bettas from Petco and I didn’t want to see him suffer any longer. So I took him home, raised him in a small tank and I had to downsize on aquariums so I just threw him in with my girls. He took it like a champ and the tank has been peaceful.

Ah; that makes sense. Was there anything else wrong about the choice of tank mates, or was that the thing you were alluding to?

Reposted from http://lies.tumblr.com/post/48713701521.

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