Enter to win Eleanor & Park at the midnight garden

Enter to win Eleanor & Park at the midnight garden:

This review does a really good job of explaining the weird pull this book has on me. It’s how real it feels, how powerfully it transports me back to what it felt like to be 16 and in love for the first time.

I picked up the copy of the book I’d ordered thought the local children’s bookstore today, and biked it over to the library and donated it. On my way out the door to do that I grabbed the copy I’d previously ordered through Amazon, since I’d been unable to interest either my wife or daughter in reading it and I figured I might as well donate two copies to the library. But I made one last try, asking William if he’d be interested in reading it. “Sure,” he said, which made me really happy.

I think it’s the fact that the first paragraph in the book mentions Skinny Puppy, which is one of his favorite bands. I don’t care; whatever it takes. I hope he actually follows through on reading it.

Reposted from http://lies.tumblr.com/post/46656588302.

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