Hello , is there anyway i could get your url? Ive been searching for an original name for years and couldnt find one , if you dont need use of it could i have it ? :)

Strangely enough, you’re not the first person to ask. I was really confused when I first became active on Tumblr, because people kept writing to me asking for my URL, and I was all, like, what URL?

Anyway, yes, there is a nonzero possibility that you would be able to obtain the ‘lies’ Tumblr URL, but the chances are small. I currently have vague plans for some kind of Hunger Games-style deathmatch between all the would-be possessors of the domain, to be held in the event of the untimely demise of either my interest in using it or of my actual person.

But I’m both reasonably healthy and still reasonably obsessed with Tumblr, so that probably reduces the chances of the domain being reassigned pretty dramatically.

But thank you for asking so nicely.

Reposted from http://lies.tumblr.com/post/45607630092.

Tags: lies tumblr url.

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