bobbycaputo: If You Believe They Put a Man on the…


If You Believe They Put a Man on the Moon

Conspiracy theories dominate big moments in history: the Holocaust, the shooting of JFK, Sept. 11, Elvis’ “death,” and, of course, the moon landing. Photographer Thomas Herbrich, who specializes in creating artifice, has made his own moon-landing-conspiracy theory in the form of a series called “The Truth About the Moon Landing.”

For his project, Herbrich, whose work will be on view in March at the Circulation(s) Festival in Paris, wanted to concoct his own hoax not about the moon landing itself but about the photographs documenting the famous first steps on the moon. Herbrich invented a character, the fictitious “Uncle Stanley,” to insert into the events surrounding the moon landing as a starting point for the story.

The premise of the series is that Uncle Stanley is behind the photos of the astronauts first landing and walking on the moon (including the famous photo of Neil Armstrong’s footprint on the moon’s surface). Stanley was, allegedly, one of rocket scientist Wernher von Braun’s friends and co-workers at NASA. In addition to staging the moon landing photos, Uncle Stan purportedly came up with the 10-seconds-to-launch countdown.

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