Rich’s ‘Bush Defrocked’ Column

Count me among those sighing loudly at the NY Times’ decision to put their most-interesting content behind a for-pay barrier. I’d be willing to bet they’ve just turned away a large amount of mindshare (and traffic) in return for a relative pittance in online subscriptions.

Anyway, there’s plenty of free and accessible content to go around. But once in a while I really, really want to link to a NYT columnist. Never fear; the net interprets (certain flavors of) capitalism as damage and routes around it. So with Frank Rich’s recent column, “The Faith-Based President Defrocked,” which does a good job of discussing how the Miers nomination is serving as a wake-up call for those on the right who previously believed that Bush really is one of them. Currently available in reposted form from:

I could go on (and will, if the Times IP goons actually manage to get to all of those). Or they could come after me, which would be kind of fun; I haven’t had a C&D letter in practically forever.

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