Moyers on the Campaign to Silence Dissenting Voices in Public Broadcasting

Journalist Bill Moyers gave an achingly good address to the National Conference for Media Reform last Sunday. Salon is running the text of it, and it’s very much worth watching the commercial for the one-day pass: A democracy can die of too many lies.

5 Responses to “Moyers on the Campaign to Silence Dissenting Voices in Public Broadcasting”

  1. ymatt Says:

    Salon, not Slate, right?

  2. jbc Says:

    Oops. Yeah, thanks. Fixed.

  3. ymatt Says:

    I don’t even want to quote some of my favorite pieces of this because it might give the impression that that’s what the speech was about. Anybody reading this, go read the whole thing. Amazingly good. jbc should leave this permanently linked from the toolbar or something.

  4. ethan-p Says:

    For folks who don’t wanna pay for a subscription or watch an ad for a day pass, here is a free mirror of the article.

    Yes, I know that I am a very bad man.

  5. ymatt Says:

    Sweet! Thanks.

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