Who said what, and how often

Wei-Hwa Huang has put together a few histograms showing the frequency of various words and phrases as used by the major players in the first debate. I’m not convinced that these graphs can be used for scientific analysis anymore then tea-leaves can, but it still provides some mild entertainment and head sctraching. Notable things to look for: “poland”, “at the wrong place”, “at the wrong time”, “made a mistake”, “United States”, “United Nations” and “respect”

2 Responses to “Who said what, and how often”

  1. Eric Lee Says:

    Bush talked about “hard work” or how “hard” it is to get the job done a total of 13 times by one of those graphs :P

    Maybe he should resign from the Presidency if it’s so hard. You know, somebody else would probably do a better job.

  2. Josh Narins Says:

    If you have access to a UNIX shell and a text copy of the transcript, you can do a single-word analysis yourself.

    > cat transcript.txt | tr ‘ ‘ ‘\n’ | sort | uniq -c | sort > output.txt

    I did my own debate analysis, based on themes…

    in color :)

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